18 September 2016

Introducing Clive The Turtle

For me to truly tell you the story of Clive the turtle we have to go back, way back, to before the beginning.

On my very last day of working in my office I came in early to get a few last bits done and just generally rub people's faces in it.

I was instantly greeted by this ensemble on my desk.

It really was a lovely send off message and throughout the day I was growing particularly attached to one of the little toys, a happy little turtle which I named Clive.

I should probably explain that I worked for an adoption team and when they realised that I had formed an attachment with Clive they demanded I take him with me and when I politely refused (whilst dreaming the whole time about what a wonderful life there could be ahead for Clive and I) they counteracted by having one of the adoption team managers come and have an adoption hearing for myself and Clive and charged me with his care until his dying day and as you can see I was pretty happy with that.

So now Clive travels the world with me and Emma. I have set him up his own little Instagram page, @theadventuresofclive, to keep a record of his little trips.

One Clive story has already become one of favorites memories of the trip thus far; So I am going through Mumbai airport security and I have done all the metal detector and pat down mumbo-jumbo and I am waiting for my bag to go through the scanner and I see it start to emerge but the guy on the controls then reels it back in for another look, he calls someone else over to the scanner and they start pointing at something. There is only one thought in my mind:

Shit, having Clive in my bag makes it look like I’m carrying the carcass of a sea faring reptile.

The guy on the scanner points at my bag and asks who it belong to. I step forward, ready for the smile he will crack when I show him Clive's happy green face. He asks me something, the scene proceeded to play out like this

Security man: “Do you have any toys in there


I then proceed to bring Clive out my bag and wave it in front of his face. His distinctly unhappy and unsmiling face.

Security Man: “This is not what I want to see, do you have any sharp objects

Turns out maybe I wasn’t listening to him in the beginning. He wanted to know if I had anything that could take a down Boeing 777 and I showed him a Beanie Babie.

Since then Clive has been living the life of luxury however, as you can see from the pictures below. If you want to see more then please do search for his Instagram, I mean come on - how can you not love that face!


  1. That's awesome :) I have Archimedes the owl (if you ever watched The Sword in the Stone), who was a gift when I first visited New York, now I live here and he is more of a New Yorker than me... maybe Archimedes and Clive would be friends! I feel an instagram post coming :) @elishia.in.newyork


  2. I think maybe Archimedes will have to make a guest apperance on the instagram page! It's oddly satisfying getting pictures of him in different places :)
